It’s Shabbat Chanukkah, there’s plenty to celebrate, and we’re gong to do it in style! Chief Cantor Pivko will be hosting Israel’s leading Mizrahi cantor – Cantor Meir Sheetrit – and the Zemirot Yomeiru choir, directed by Yisrael Munk, in a special East-Meets-West exploration of Jewish song.
Friday Night
Shabbat Chanukkah begins with Kaballat Shabbat at 4:45pm, and you can expect a unique mix of Carlebach songs, European Chazzanut, and Mizrahi music that will have everyone on their feet. Following services, will be our famous Champagne Kiddush. This week, kiddush is sponsored by
- Sharon Lewis in honor of her parents’ Dr. Leon and Tamara Lewis’ 49th wedding anniversary, Leon Lewis’ 76th birthday and to celebrate her upcoming marriage to Alon Sela, along with
- Arye and Pazit Iskaki in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jonathan.
Shabbat Morning
The Sefer Yetzira says that Kislev is month of sleep, and this year we’ll do that right, by starting services at 9:00am on Shabbat morning!!! The cantors and choir will make this the most energetic service of the year, thanks to the generosity of Arye and Pazit Iskaki.
- Shacharit (Hodu) – 9:00am
- Musical Chanukah Hallel – 9:30am
- Torah Reading – 10:00am
- Musical Musaf – 11:00am
- Luncheon Kiddush to follow, celebrating Eitan (9) and Noam (2) Konstantyn’s Birthdays
Even Mincha (4:15pm) will be musical this week as we celebrate Jonathan Iskaki’s bar mitzvah. Light Seudah Shlishit to follow
Melave Malka
We can’t let this Shabbat end! At 8:00, we’ll get together at the synagogue again, with our choir and community musicians, for singing, dancing, candle-lighting and food!